Job positions

Borsa di ricerca CIRGEO 2024/01

Borsa di ricerca CIRGEO 2024/01 – “Utilizzo di deep learning per associare classi di pericolo a dati telerilevati della vegetazione prossimale all’infrastruttura ferroviaria” - Durata 6 mesi - Responsabile Prof. Francesco Pirotti

Bando Borsa di ricerca CIRGEO 2024/01 - Prof. Francesco Pirotti Download

Domanda di partecipazione - Application Download 01 Domanda partecipazione.rtf Download 01 Application_Center.rtf

Approvazione atti e graduatoria Download Approvazione atti e graduatoria

Last updated on 02 July 2024

900 open positions at Agenzia delle Entrate

900 technician positions are open at Agenzia delle Entrate (Deadline September 23, 2022).

Last updated on 30 August 2022

PhD position in "Forestry: from Remote Sensing to Digital Twins"

We are looking for a candidate PhD to research in the area of remote sensing for forestry applications. The objectives are to find the best tools for mapping tree parameters, from single-tree scale to regional scale.
The successful candidate will work with remote sensing technologies - optical-passive and active sensors like laser scanners and radar (SAR) - and latest artificial intelligence methods for modelling forest variables of interest. She/he will compare existing measurement methodologies used in forestry with estimates from imagery and point cloud data and also investigate on the potential of creating digital twins of forest environments to create eXtended Reality (XR) scenarios with rigorous metrics for educational and research purposes.

Deadline is around 1 september 2022 - Contact: Francesco Pirotti HERE

Last updated on 15 June 2022

Remote Sensing for FIRE-RES

The TESAF Department at University of Padova together with CIRGEO, the Interdepartamental Research Center of Geomatics, are launching a call to find a suitable a candidate to work on the topic of remote sensing data analysis for estimating fire-related variables in the context of a Horizon 2020 project (FIRE-RES).

The position is for a period of three years. Applications are open from 1 December and will close as soon as the ideal candidate is found, ideally not after June 1.

The candidate should have successfully completed a full degree (graduate level or similar) and have skills in geospatial data management (GIS and similar tools), digital image analysis (SNAP/PCI/ENVI or similar tools) and programming in one or more of the following environments: R, Python, C/C++, Java, Javascript (preferably oriented towards the Google Earth Engine API). Very good command of English is required (speaking and writing);

If interested please contact directly .

Last updated on 04 December 2021

Spatial data for Climate Change Adaptation Modelling

The following link to a call regarding (also) positions for researchers to work on spatial data analysis and modelling for “Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Areas” (ADAPT@VE), a research program aimed at understanding and interpreting the current societal changes in response to the challenges for adaptating to climate change. Knowledge on GIS software and specific programming tools like R/Python/Javascript is a plus.

click here for more info

Last updated on 21 December 2021