Mobile Mapping School

Mobile Mapping School

The day before the conference, 23 May 2023, the Mobile Mapping School will also take place, with a sequence of tutorials given by international experts.

Initially, PhD student registrations will be automatically enrolled in the Mobile Mapping School list, then a confirmation via email will be requested. Priority will be on a "first-come-first-served" basis, with time of registration based on the moment that payment arrives.


Time Speaker   Title
08.30-09.00 Opening
09.00- 10.00 Naser El-Sheimy Navigation Technologies for Future Autonomous Vehicles
10.00-11.00 Charles Toth Navigation Components of Mobile Mapping Systems: Sensor Integration, HD Maps and Crowdsourcing
11.30-12.30 Ayman Habib UAV-based 3D mapping using imaging and LiDAR systems: challenges, data processing, and applications
13.30-14.30 Jonathan Li Mobile LiDAR Point Cloud Analytics with Deep Learning
14.30-15.05 Ville Lehtola State-of-the-art in non-probabilistic GraphSLAM for indoor mapping
15.05-15.30 Vincenzo Di Pietra Introduction to probabilistic GraphSLAM
16.00-17.00 Francesca Matrone Semantic segmentation: processing and scene understanding for urban and mobile mapping datasets
17.00-18.00 Andrea Masiero Visual data processing: odometry and information extraction
18.00-18.15 Closing

The Mobile Mapping School will take place at the Botanical Garden, in the Auditorium room [Map].